Chrome Tab Management: Close and Reopen All Tabs with Keyboard Shortcuts

If you have a lot of tabs open in Chrome, it can be slow and frustrating. Learn how to close all tabs and reopen them in a few simple steps, so you can get back to work quickly.



Have you ever accidentally closed all of your browser tabs? It's a frustrating experience, especially if you have a lot of important tabs open. Luckily, there's a quick and easy way to restore tabs of your lost tabs in Chrome. Using keyboard shortcuts 


Throughout this article, I will show you how to close tabs in Chrome and how to reopen recently closed tabs. Additionally, I will teach you how to reopen all the tabs at once using keyboard shortcut keys.


So grab your coffee and stay with me as we delve into this article.


Let's now get to our main topic.



How to close the currently open Chrome browser tab via a keyboard shortcut key?


Closing a browser tab using a keyboard shortcut is a quick and easy action. You just need to press CTRL + W; this will close the Chrome tab that you are currently on.


But what if you want to close all the open tabs? Just press CTRL + SHIFT + W; this will close all the tabs and also the browser because the browser has nothing left to display.



How to restore all the closed Chrome tabs by keyboard shortcuts


To reopen closed tabs in your browser, you can access them through the browser history. However, I'll provide you with some keyboard shortcut keys for reopening closed Chrome tabs.


Simply press CTRL + T to restore closed tabs, and continue pressing CTRL + T until your desired tab is reopened.


If you want to restore all the closed tabs, press CTRL + SHIFT + T. This will reopen all the tabs you previously closed, even if you close your Chrome browser.


It's important to note that these shortcut keys work in all browsers. However, please be cautious when using Incognito mode. In this mode, only CTRL + W or CTRL + SHIFT + W will work to close browser tabs, and they will not reopen closed tabs.





In this article, I teach you how to efficiently close browser tabs and restore accidentally closed Chrome tabs using keyboard shortcuts, eliminating the need to search through your browsing history.


I trust this brief article has been genuinely helpful to you and has saved you valuable time.


Thank you for being with me.

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